Of Coffee

Espresso. Latte. Cappuccino. Caramel Macchiato (my officemate’s iChat Status). Americano. Barako (Ala eh!!!) and many to mention. To put it bluntly, I’m a coffee enthusiast but I’m not really aware of the different blends of this invigorating drink. All I know is that ‘with a little cream and a little sugar, life seems to be perfect in this small, wonderful cup.’ Here it goes…


Drop by in a coffee shop. Chances are, you drool. You smell that intoxicating scent of that freshly-brewed coffee. You will yearn for at least one tall, grande, or venti of it (yes, I’m familiar with the sizes of coffee in Starbucks, I seldom buy). Take your pick. Order your cup. Listen for your name, nickname, pet name, or whatever name you’ve said, then BOOM!!! Your handcrafted coffee is now in your hands.

The 3-in-1 effect

It’s midnight, and you have to beat a deadline. Hours passed, you are still holding that freaking paper in your hands. You are in the moment of shutting down. Finding the nearest cup of warm and a sachet of instant 3-in-1 coffee, you pour everything and stir. Again, the smell (the feels).  You can’t help it but to chug down everything, every single drop.  Minutes tick by and your deadline comes closer. God, the stress is killing you. There’s still one more sachet left to keep you company. You finish a few minutes before deadline. You prepare the last cup and drink it. You’re ready to befall.

The thing

Coffee. The word meant different things to different people. For a few, it means the luxury.  To others, it means daily fare to keep them awake and alert for their daily labor. (Hands up! I’m guilty of it.) Well, coffee is such a heady concoction. Its molecules that give wondrous flavor will make you nutty as a fruitcake. So, carry on. If you need coffee as your everyday dextrose, you may do so. Savor the comforting atmosphere it may give to you.

(Inspired by Arabica roast coffee, which I forgot to mention in the entry. Nom Nom Nom. )